Monday, September 27, 2010

The Prophecy


“Are you sure she's the one?” the dark figure said. The man nodded his head slowly. They were standing in a field with mist pooling around their feet and the moonlight falling down over what they were looking at. An old stone bowl with symbols engraved in it floated in the air between them. A puddle of murky, silver water rested in the small bowl, still even though there was a faint breeze. A vision had formed there, cast by the man, showing a girl sleeping in a small bed. Her hair was a deep, copper red and, though her eyes were closed as she slept, the two knew her eyes were of a pure amethyst.

“My lord. Not that I'm doubting your judgment, but... this girl is no older than fifteen! How is she supposed to be the one that will end us both?” the dark figure asked, his red gaze locked on the vision in the bowl. The man looked up. He was much taller and older than the dark figure by him. His hair was a dark brown, cut just at the top of his forehead and his eyes were a light gray. Though he was truly very old, his body was the age of between twenty five and thirty. His hands were balled up into tight fists. “Are you a fool? What have I taught you?” The man looked at him, still controlling his anger at the dark figures remark.

The dark figure tore his gaze away from the little girl and looked up with a sigh. “Never judge what you see. Take everything in and look at the subject from all angles...” The figure said the words he had heard and said a million times during his time with the man. “This girl is the key to our doom and success. If we can do this right, this girl will help us gain what is rightfully ours and not end up killing us both!”

“Remember the prophecy. The one with eyes that hold the souls of the past in violet and locks of flames upon her head shall drink from the pool of ancient stars and be able to roam through the worlds as creatures of many. She shall rise up and defeat the Dark Lord and The Shadow whom roam their world and ours” the man said, looking at the bowl, but seemed to only see the images in his head.

“But, My Lord, I still don't see how this girl is going to help us. She isn't even from the Magical world like we are!” the figure said. “The magic inside her is more powerful than you think. She is much stronger than the shadow you are in right now.” The man said, pointing at the figure's dark, shadow body that looked like a man, but the skin looked like smoke swirling in black water. “Use the magic you still have! Use it to take a body. A powerful body! Like I have,” the man said as he dipped his four-finger into the bowl, making the vision of the girl disappear. The man's finger rested on the bottom of the bowl, the water only coming up to the first knuckle on his finger. In the murky, silver water the man's finger wasn't the pink skin like a human's finger was, but the same dark shadow as the figure beside him.

The man pulled his finger out of the water and the shadow disappeared, replaced by skin from the body he was now in control of. “Ceafal. You must fight for what you want or we will not succeed!” the man said, resting his hand on the bowl that didn't even seem to move a bit from his weight. “Tell me what to do.” Ceafal said.

The man turned back to the bowl. He raised his hand an inch of the water in the bowl and then started to say words to low to hear. A small ball of light appeared in the man's hand and then slowly sank into the water. When the last drop of light vanished under the murky water, the water rippled slightly as if something big had been dropped into it. The water finally stilled and in the middle was a vision of a woman, standing by a small pool of glowing, blue water leaning over a book. Her brown hair was pulled up into a tight bun with gray streaks through it and she wore a black dress with red designs sown across the surface.

“This is the body you must take. When you take the body, you will be stronger than the girl and the body will help you get close to her. Once you have, you will be able to take the magic out of her and use it for yourself,” the man raised a small necklace out from his pocket. He placed the small white stone in the shape of a moon into Ceafal's hand then dropped the silver chain.

“You must not fail, Ceafal. This is our only chance!” the man said. Ceafal nodded then stalked through the heavy fog into a wall of darkness clutching the necklace tightly in his hand.

The Prophecy

Chapter #1
Dreaming of the Prophecy

“The time is coming Mira. You soon shall fulfill the prophecy...” I could here the voice, but I couldn't see anyone. I ran through the trees looking for who was speaking, but the voice seemed to vanish slowly. Everything started to fade till I was surrounded by walls of black emptiness. I kept running, but no matter which way I ran, I only saw black. The black seemed to engulf me when I woke up back in my bed. I pulled the old, wool blanket off then sat up. I got up and sat down on the small wooden chair and gazed out the window at the moonlit meadow. I could hear the rustle of the maple leaves and cherry blossoms as the soft, warm, summer breeze blew gently through the trees. The voice from my dream kept running through my mind, “The time is coming Mira. You soon shall...” A few knocks on the door interrupted my thoughts.

The door slowly opened and a tall women in her mid thirties walked in holding a silver candle holder with a slowly dieing candle in it. “Hey, are you okay Mira?” the woman asked in a soft, light voice as she looked at me concerned. “Yeah, I'm fine mother, I just had a bad dream,” I said looking at her as she walked over and sat down on my bed. The yellow glow of the candle outlined her blue bed gown and white slippers and gave her blond hair that was tied in a braid a golden color.

“Well, it was just a dream. Nothing can hurt you here. So... why don't you just go back to sleep and forget all about the dream,” I laid down on the cot and she pulled the wool blanket over me. She kissed me on the forehead then left the room quietly. I turned on to my side and looked back out the window at the moon. Clearing the dream out of my mind, I closed my eyes and drifted back into a dreamless sleep.

I opened my eyes after hearing the loud crack of an ax splitting wood. I sat up and combed my fingers through my copper red hair then got up and walked to the window. The silver, blue sky showed it was just before dawn. I could see my father by the farm cutting fire wood. He was a tall man with strawberry red hair and bright, hazel eyes and he wore a red flannel shirt and denim overalls. I turned back to my room and looked around. There wasn't much in the room but a small bed pressed up against the right hand corner of the room, a wooden chair by the window, a maple wood table in the left corner of the room with a few books, some papers and a blue ink bottle with an eagle feather quill in it and a dresser with two drawers that matched the table.

I opened my door and walked along the squeaky, wooden floor to the kitchen. My mother, Sarah, was standing at the small wooden table laying a plate down with food in front of my little sister. My sister, Sally, was wearing a white night gown that had little frills at the end of the sleeves that matches my own night gown. I walked over and sat down across from Sally. Sarah walked over and placed a plate down in front of me with my favorite foods: fresh, sweet peaches and freshly caught salmon.

“Happy fifteenth birthday, Mira,” Sarah said as I starting eating the peaches. “Today we are going to the market and you can get what ever you want,” Sarah brushed her hand over my hair then walked back over to the kitchen counter. My deep, purple eyes sparkled in delight as I started to think of all the stores in the village market.

Sally held tightly onto my hand as we walked along with my mother around the market. At the age of five, Sally was small for her age and the top of her head barely reached my hip. In her left hand she held her red, braided hair, admiring the blue ribbon in the braid while swinging my hand back and forth with her right. We walked through the crowd of people and stopped by a small merchants store.

We walked up the two steps then opened the door and walked in. There was five shelves lined up from one wall to the other. In the back a curtain was pushed out of the way as woman with shoulder length black hair came out of another room. She walked over to the counter and sat a box down on the counter then looked up.

“Hi, how can I help you?” the lady said. Her voice was gentle yet firm. My mother pushed me closer to the counter, “It's my daughter's birthday and we were looking for a gift for her,” she said. The lady talked with Sarah over things I might like. A bright sparkle of light caught my eye in the back of the room. I walked over and found a small green box placed on the very back shelf. The green box was about six inches wide, six inches long, and two inches tall. The box was covered in soft, green leather and lined with gold leaves on the sides. The sun glinting on the gold leaves was what had caught my attention.

“What did you find Mira?” Sarah called. I carefully picked up the box and brought it back to the lady. “We just got this necklace today and it would be perfect for you,” she said as she took the box and opened it. She pulled out a silver chain with a white moonstone in the shape of a moon crescent set in silver hanging from the chain. She handed it to me and I held it carefully in my hands.

“We haven't even put a price on it yet, so you can have it for only ten shillings,” the lady said as I handed her the necklace back and she carefully placed it back in the box. Sarah pulled a small, black pouch off of her belt and opened it. She pulled out a handful of round coins and counted them then set them down on the counter. She pulled out three more and set them down by the rest.

The lady counted the shillings herself then scooped then off the counter and walked to the back and went into the other room behind the curtain. She walked back out of the other room and walked back over to the counter. “Alright, the necklace is all yours now. Take good care of it,” she said, smiling. I picked up the small, green box as we thanked her and left the store. “Okay, well I just have to stop by a few more stores then we can go on our picnic,” Sarah said as we walked along the dirt road.

Chapter #2
The Magic Begins

After Sarah had stopped at three other stores, we finally left out of the village and walked along a trail leading to the creak. The creak wasn't far from the village so it didn't take long to reach it. We walked along the small trail, outlined on both sides by aspens, till we reached a wide clearing. Sarah and I walked up to a great oak tree on the top of a little hill to set out the picnic while Sally ran down to the creak to look for tiny fish. My mother set down the basket and opened the small, woven lid. She started pulling out three plates and setting them on the grass. I grabbed food out of the basket and set them down on the plates. Each plate had a handful of strawberries, a piece of fish caught by my father, and a glass of water. “Mira, come look at this!” Sally said as she crouched down by the water's edge looking at something. I got up slowly and walked the four feet and knelt down next to her.

She pointed in the water at a creature that looked like it belonged from another world. It looked like a bright, blue caterpillar with small, black wings that, when they were side by side, they looked like a black flower. The caterpillar had two fins on each side that it used to swim around. “What is it Mira?” Sally asked, not taking her eyes off the creature. “I don't know Sally. I have never seen it before,” I said watching the creature swim around in circles. The creature seemed to look right at me with its tiny black eyes. “Girls, come on. Let's eat,” Sarah said. I stood up and grabbed Sally's hand and we walked up the little hill and sat down under the great oak tree.

After we all finished our lunch, Sarah and Sally fell asleep. I sat against the trunk of the oak tree listening to the birds chatter to each other and the wind rustle the leaves above. I picked up the box from the store and took the necklace out. I put the necklace on then rested my head against the tree. “Mira..” someone called in a faint whisper. I looked around but no one was there. “Mira...” the strange voice called again. It seemed to be coming from the forest across the river. I got up and walked down to the creak and looked through the trees, but I still didn't see anyone. I remembered hearing that voice from the dream I had last night. Was I dreaming?

I shook my head then started heading back up the hill when I heard it again. “Mira...” I stopped and walked back to the river. I walked along the river till I reached a dead tree that had fallen across the river. I stepped up onto the tree trunk and looked along it. The bark had been warn away to the smooth, slippery wood of the tree. I started walking forward, placing my steps carefully one at a time. As I reached the end of the tree I stopped.

There was still a small gap of water between the end of the tree and the other side of the creak. I tested the end of the tree to make sure it wouldn't brake then jumped. My right foot hit the ground and I leaned forward so I wouldn't fall back into the water. I dusted my hands off then looked around. The forest loomed in front of me. I walked forward into the trees, following a small trail. The farther I went the darker it seemed to get, but I new that the sun wasn't setting because when I looked back I could still see the sun high in the sky. I continued walking forward for a while till I could see an opening in the trees up ahead.

I walked faster till I reached the clearing. There was a tall cliff in front of me with water flowing down into a small pool that seemed to glow a light blue. There was a large stone that was shaped like a book stand by the right side of the pool. I walked over to the pool and looked at the large stone. It was about up to my shoulders. There was an old book with fancy gold letters on it that said, “The Legends of The Past,” I traced the edge of the book with my finger tips then walked over to the pool. I bent down on my knees and stared at the water.

I looked around then cupped both hands and put them in the water. I pulled my hands up to my mouth and drank the cold water. I stood back up and looked around. A small blue bird was perched on a branch of an aspen tree staring at me. I looked at the blue bird and the next thing I new was that I started to shrink. My legs started to change into bird legs and my arms started to take the shape of wings. My body was covered in shiny blue feathers and my face grew narrower into a beak. I looked at myself not sure what just happened. I looked at my wings able to see all the little lines in my feathers.

“So, you're the one,” I turned and looked at the pool. A woman in her mid forties was standing by the pool looking at me. She was wearing a black dress with a red design along the edges and she wore her brown but graying hair in a bun. “What?” I said in a bird chirp. The lady continued to look at me. I wondered if she could understand me or not. “If you want to turn back into a human, all you have to do is think about what you look like as a human,” the lady said. I looked at her then closed my eyes and thought of myself as a human. Everything seemed to be moving and when I opened my eyes I was a human again.

“Who are you?” I asked, looking at the women. “My name is Autumn Satuke. I am a shape shifter just like you but I can only change into other people,” she said. “What do you mean by I'm the one?” I asked. “There is a prophecy that tells of a person who shall vanquish the dark one,”Autumn walked over to the book and beckoned me over. “What does the prophecy say?” I asked as I walked over to the book. Autumn opened up the book and flipped through the pages.

“The prophecy says that the one with eyes that hold the souls of the past in violet and locks of flames will drink from the pool of ancient stars and be able to roam through the worlds as creatures of many. She shall rise up and defeat the Dark Lord and The Shadow whom roam their world and ours,” She closed the book carefully then turned and looked at me. “You drank from the pool of ancient stars and then you turned into a blue bird. You are a true shape shifter,” She looked at me smiling.

“So, the water I drank gave me this magic?” I asked. “No. You have always had this magic. The water just helps the magic grow to where you can use it,” She said. “Ah, there you are,” I looked over my shoulder at the dark, yet bright, forest of pine trees to where Autumn was looking and saw a small silver light that seemed to be nothing but air itself.

As it got closer I saw that it was the creature Sally had seen before in the creak. It flew over and landed on Autumn's shoulder. Instead of fins it now had four little caterpillar legs on each side with a light blue line down each leg. “What is that?” I asked, still looking at the creature. “This is a Trafe. I sent him to find you and lead you here,” She said looking at the Trafe. “You mean the voice I was hearing? That was him?” I said.

She nodded her head then walked closer to me. She pointed at the necklace I was wearing. “Where did you get that?” she asked. “I got it at the store in the village market,” I said. “Hmm, I guess my messenger didn't follow my instructions,” she said to herself. She walked back to the book and opened it.

I looked at her for a second, confused at what she meant. I shook my head, deciding that it meant nothing and pushed the thought to the back of my head. “Autumn. Who is the dark one?” I asked as I walked over to her side. “The dark one is the demon who is terrorizing and destroying my world. He is not human nor spirit. He is a mere shadow now,”

She pointed at a picture in the book that showed a dark shadow in the shape of a man with dim red eyes. “He was a human once, but one of the Three Wizards of the First Order killed him after he tried to take over. He was put into the underworld, but he has escaped somehow. Some people believe that the Shadow himself gave Ceafal the power to come back to the living world so that Ceafal could destroy the world for the Shadow so the Shadow could rule once again. Ceafal can take others magic but to fully regain his power he needs your magic,” She said.

“What? Why my magic?” I asked. “Because only the purest of hearts, which means the purest of magic, can restore the dark one to his true form and power,” Autumn said. “Now go. Your mother and sister should be waking up soon,” she said. “Wait. Can I tell them about any of this?” I asked. “No. Magic doesn't belong in your world and we try to keep it that way,” she said,” I will see you soon,” I walked off back the way I had come only to stop and look back but Autumn was gone.

Chapter #3
Revealing the Prophecy

After walking for a while I started to see the sky that was still bright blue. I ran the rest of the way till I broke out of the trees. I looked up at the sun and where it was. It was still noon. I had been gone for an hour for sure. But yet, it seemed only a second had passed sense I left. I ran then jumped and landed on the tree trunk. I walked across quickly then jumped down onto the pebbly shore. The only sound I could here through the thick blanket of silence was the crunching sound of my feet rolling over the small, rounded pebbles and the light chirping of bird songs from above my head. When I reached the top of the hill, Sarah and Sally were just waking up. “Well, we should be heading home,” Sarah said. I helped my mother put our stuff into the basket then walked over to Sally who was still half asleep. I picked her up and carried her as we walked back to the house.

By the time we reached the house the sun was setting. We walked in and my mother walked into the kitchen and set the basket down. I walked down the hall and went into my sisters room that was just across my room. I laid Sally gently down on her bed then put the whole blanket over her then left. I walked back into the kitchen and sat down on the table. “Happy birthday Mira. What gift did you get?” my father asked. He was sitting by the fire, poking a medal rod into it trying to get it started. “Mother bought me this necklace,” I said as I showed my father the necklace. “Beautiful,” my father said as he looked at it. We ate dinner then I walked into my room by the time the moon was starting to rise. I laid down and drifted into a restless sleep.

I opened my eyes and sat up. I looked around but I was no longer laying on my bed, but sitting on green grass in the clearing in the forest from before. I got up and looked around. I must be dreaming. I waked over to the pool and sat down. Not two minutes after I sat down a bright, white light appeared in front of me. I realized that there was a faint tint of red glowing through through the magic. I shook my head and wrote it off as the light messing with my head. When the light had completely dimmed, Autumn was beckoning me over. I got up and walked over to her.

“What are we doing here Autumn?” I asked looking at her. “We are here because you need to learn how to use your magic,” She said as she guided me over into the middle of the clearing. “If you're going to defeat the dark one then your magic will have to be at its fullest,” she said as she placed me in the center of the field then took a few steps back. “Okay, now I'm going to say the name of an animal and I want you to think of that animal and only that animal. Nothing else. If you can concentrate hard enough, you will turn into the animal,” she said. I nodded my head and readied myself by clearing my mind of all thoughts.

“Okay, now I want you to think of a black bear,” Autumn said. I took a deep breath in then closed my eyes. As I let the breath slowly out, I cleared my mind. Then I thought of the pictures of black bears I had seen before. I thought about the way they looked. I could feel my body curling into the body of a bear and my skin melting into fur.

When I opened my eyes I stared up at Autumn through deep brown eyes. I looked at my think, black fur and at my wide paws with long claws meant for digging and climbing. “Very well done Mira,” Autumn said as she looked at me. This continued for awhile till Autumn called for a break. I laid down on the grass while Autumn flipped through the books. “Autumn, if I can change into any kind of animal on Earth, can I change into creatures too? Like the Trafe?” I asked to break the silence.

“Yes you can, but only when your power is at its fullest, otherwise trying to change into a creature not from your world can kill you,” she said as she looked at me. I went back to thinking about all the mythical creature books I use to read when I was younger.

I woke up the next morning before dawn. The training from last night was still fresh in my mind. I got out of bed, dressed, then walked out into the kitchen. I looked around but no one was here. I walked over tot he door and stepped out into the crisp, morning air. My mother and father were talking by the barn while they worked, mother taking care of the plants while father fed the animals. I walked off the porch and walked to the back of the house.

I walked through the meadow then stopped. I looked around and made sure no one could see me then I closed my eyes. I listened and herd a crow a little ways off and thought about the black bird. I thought about the feathers of crows and and the sound they make. I could feel my bones growing smaller and becoming hollow while my hair and skin turned into black feathers. When I opened my eyes I was eye level with the tall grass. I lifted a wing and examined it then the other. So my dream was real, I thought.

I could here my father calling me and I quickly thought about my human form and changed back. I ran to the barn where my father was waiting. “Yes father?” I asked as I looked up at him. “ Your mother is making breakfast and I'm going to go sell some of the crops down in the market. I need you to check all the crops and the animals, make sure they have enough water and food,” He said. “Yes father,” I walked into the barn and looked around. I walked over to the first stall and walked in.

There was a slight breeze coming in from the opening that lead out into the pasture. I walked out into the pasture and walked over to the big water bucket. The bucket was almost full. I looked around the pasture at the very small herd of cattle we had. After the big frost of last winter most of the herd had died from freezing to death or from getting sick and now there were only five cows left. I walked over to them and checked each one for any wounds then walked back into the barn. I grabbed a watering can and filled it up then walked back out. I walked over to the garden by the side of the barn and started watering all the plants.

Chapter #4
Poisonous Spy

After I was done I started walking back to the house. The sun was starting to rise higher above the horizon as I entered the house. I closed the door behind me then walked over and sat down at the table. Sally was siting across from me with her head on the table. My mother came over and placed our plates down in front of us. Sally didn't even move. “Mother...? Is Sally okay...?” I asked, concerned. “What? Oh, she didn't sleep last night. She had a cough. I'm taking her to the village today to see if the village doctor can help,” Sarah said. I ate my breakfast as I looked at Sally still concerned.

After we had finished breakfast, we took Sally to the village. We walked along the road till we reached a small path that led a little ways away from the the other shops. We walked along the trail till we reached the doctor's house. The house was a small shack but well put together. We walked up the two steps and into the house. A wave of smells of herbs and potions hit us as I closed the door behind us. Everywhere you looked there was some kind of plant or potion or book about healing herbs. A small, round table sitting in the middle of the room had an old book on it opened up to a page. There was two plants on the left side of the book and a wooden bowl with some blackish liquid in it.

“Hello? Dr. Frason?” My mother called as we stood by the door way. “Hmm? Who's there? Wha' da ya want?” A scratchy, tired voice called from the back room. “Dr. Frason, it's me, Sarah Sovahck. I brought my daughter, Sally, here because she's sick,” My mother said as we heard some shuffling from the back room. A man a little smaller than my mother with a short, gray beard and mustache and hair in a wisp from just waking up from sleeping came out.

He looked at us for a second then beckoned us over to the couch by the small table. My mother sat Sally gently down on the couch then she sat down by her. I stood by the couch arm where my mother sat and looked at my sister. “Has she been coughin', sneezin', stomach ache?” The doctor asked as he looked at my sister, testing her pulse then placing his hand gently on her for head. “She has a small cough every now and then and a slight fever. She hasn't complained about a stomach ache, but she has been really tired, and she wont eat,” My mother said. The doctor took this in for a second then got up.

He walked over to a small shelf on the wall with a few books out. He grabbed a small, black, leather book and opened it. He flipped through the papers then stopped and read through two pages. He snapped the book closed then put it back on the shelf. He walked over to us and knelt down in front of my sister. He held her foot and looked at her ankle. “Yep, Sally twas bitten by a spider,” Dr. Frason said as he pointed to a red bump on Sally's ankle. “What? A spider? C-can you heal her?” My mother asked, her face starting to turn a shade of gray. “I'll try but I can't guaranty anythin',” Dr. Frason said as he got up and walked back into the back room.

He came back a minute later holding a bowl with a few green leaves in it. He walked around the room searching through all the potions and herbs. He grabbed a few more leaves off a plant which looked like marigold then he walked over to the table and picked up the wooden bowl and poured some of the liquid into the other bowl. He took a pestle and mashes the ingredients together then walked over to us. He held Sally's ankle carefully and dabbed a hanker chief in the medicine and rubbed it on the bite. He did this a couple more times then put the bowl down on the table and walked back into the back room.

We heard a cabinet opening and something being moved around then he came back holding a small glass with a clear liquid in it. He mixed a few drops of the medicine he put on Sally's spider bite and then used a spoon to mix it. He made my sister drink the entire glass then put the glass on the table. “There. Okay, she should be fine soon. The medicine might take a while t' set in, but she will get better,” Dr. Frason said.

“Doctor, do you know why Sally never told us she wad bitten by a spider? She would have known, wouldn't she?” My mother asked as she picked up Sally and held her on her lap. “Well, yes, Sally would've known she was bitten, especially cause of the type of spider that bit her. But the reason she didn't tell you twas because the spider was spelled,” He said. “Spelled? What do you mean?” Sarah said as she almost cradled Sally. “What I mean by is that the spider had a magic spell on it that makes the spider go after the person it's told to find. When the spider bites the person the person can't speak about bein' bit at all. They can't even see the bite. What I don't understand is why it twas after Sally...” Dr. Frason said.

“Magic? You mean like fairytale stuff right?” Sarah said. “Yes, but tis magic is real. Tis spider was sent to... to kill someone. But I don't think it twas Sally the spider twas after. I think it must of gotten confused and thought Sally twas the one the spider was sent after,” Dr. Frason said as he looked at me for a few seconds then looked back at Sarah and Sally.

I woke up back in the clearing for more training with Autumn. I sat up and thought about my sister and the spider that bit her. The bright light appeared again and then Autumn Satuke was standing by the pond. “Hello Autumn,” I said as I got up. “Hello Mira. I sense there's something you wish to tell me...?” Autumn said, looking at me a little confused. “Yes. See last night my sister was bitten by a spider, a spelled one. The doctor we took my sister to said that the spider wasn't sent for her but someone else... Do you think that the spider was sent by the dark one for me?” I asked as I looked at Autumn while she listened.

“Indeed, that is possible, but we can't be sure,” She said. “But, I thought that magic wouldn't come into my world?” I said. “Well, if the dark one truly sent that spider then the dark one would do anything to stop you. Even if that means sending magic into your world,” Autumn said. “And that means that the dark one has gotten stronger...” Autumn seemed to go into another world for a moment. The emotion behind her eyes was hard to tell. Was that... delight? Was she happy about the dark one becoming stronger?

It disappeared as quick as it came and I put the thought to the back of my mind. Autumn shook her head and looked at me. “Time to train. We need to work on fighting as well. Human and animal,” she said. Autumn showed me how to sneak up on my opponents and how to use all of my weapons as any animal. After I finished learning to pin my opponent Autumn stood for a second, thinking.

“Okay. If you are going to be in the magical world, you will have to learn how to defeat magical creatures,” She said. “So, lets start off with something easy...” Autumn trailed off, thinking of all the magical creatures she new of. “Ah. I now of one.” She said. Autumn and I stepped into the middle of the grassy clearing and stood across from each other. Autumn raised her hands above her head and craned her head up to the black sky that seemed to glow with some sort of light. She said a few words that were to fast for me to catch and then a bright red light appeared between us.

I took a few steps back then stood my ground, preparing myself for what was coming. When the light disappeared a wolf twice the size of a regular wolf stood in front of me. The wolf's fur was jet black and his eyes seemed to seep with red light. Around his paws were chains that had been broken. I soon realized what stood in front of me. A Finrir. This creature was an ordinary wolf that was usually five times bigger than a normal wolf and was as strong as any god. Gods feared his strength and had chained him, but he easily broke out of any chain they used. They eventually had a special chain, more a magical ribbon, that was able to hold the Finrir down.

I tuned into a wolf to match the Finrir, but even then he was still a wolf's size taller than me. “The Finrir is known for his brute strength. This is a smaller version of a Finrir, so it will be a little easier for you to fight. Now. Let's begin!” As if on cue, the Finrir used his strong hind legs to launch himself off the ground at me. I dodged to the right just as the Finrir's huge paws slammed down into the ground right where I had been a second before. When his paws hit the ground,at the speed of light, he spun with lightning fast speed and ran straight into me. I yelped with surprise as the wind was forced out of me and I lay on the ground with the Finrir's paw on my neck keeping me pinned.

I saw out of the corner of my eye that his left hind leg was very close to mine and I used the strength I had to claw deeply into his leg. He roared and stepped back away from me. Just as he did that, I stumbled onto my feet and pushed off the ground with my feet, using my magic to help me jump a little higher. I landed squarely on the Finrir's back and dug my claws in to keep me from falling off. The Finrir leaped high into the air then spun around trying to dislodge me, but I held on.

As we started to fall, the Finrir spun upside down so that when we hit the ground I would be crushed. I pushed away from him and landed on the ground. The Finrir got up and charged at me again, but I moved quickly aside and the Finrir crashed into the tree I had been standing in front of. The Finrir hit the tree with such force that the tree shook viciously then snapped in half. The air was filled with the sound of the tree falling and smashing across the ground for a second that I completely forgot about the Finrir. I snapped back to the battle as I felt strong jaws tighten around my leg.

I was jerked back then flung into the air. I passed a few branches and as I fell back down I grabbed one with my teeth. I twisted through the air till I landed in front of the Finrir and then used the branch I had gotten and swung at his head. I felt the contact of stick and skull shake through the wood as the branch struck the Finrir's four head. I jumped at him, dropping the branch at the same time, and knocked down the Finrir. I bit down on his throat and to my surprise, the Finrir disappeared. “Well done, Mira. Of course that was nothing compared to the real Finrir. We'll try that later though.” Autumn said.

Chapter #5
Dreaming of Battle

I got up and walked quickly to my sister's room to check on her. I opened the door quietly and poked my head into her room and looked around. She didn't have much in her room besides a small bed, a tiny night stand with a few rocks on it by the right side of the bed and a desk just like mine shoved in the left corner of her room with more rocks and a book about fairy tales.

Sally was sound asleep but I could see her lips moving. I walked in quietly and sat down on my knees by Sally's head, listening. “Battle of..... Cliffs by.... Water deep....... Wings soaring..... Wind howling...... The.... The screech of... of the falling one.......” Sally mumbled in her sleep. She must be having a bad dream, I thought. I waited a few more seconds but Sally said no more. I rested my hand on her shoulder lightly then shook her gently while whispering her name.

Sally's eyes opened quickly and she looked straight into my purple eyes as I stared straight into her deep, blue eyes. “Sally..... What were you dreaming about?” I asked as Sally sat up. She continued to just stare at the floor as if she hadn't even heard me. I got up and sat down by her. “I... I don't know... All I remember was this cliff, a big cliff, and the ocean right below it. And there was.... wings... Purple, blue wings following black wings. It was weird...” Sally said.

It had been a month since Sally's dream. She was completely recovered from being bit by the spider. Autumn was teaching me how to fight with a sword and a dagger again. It was hard but I caught onto it quickly like I was a natural. I still hadn't told Autumn about Sally's dream because I feared of what she would think of it. I was dreaming of standing in the clearing by the pool. I was holding an ancient sword used by magical wizards and warriors.

The sword was light and the hilt was black with gold swirls on it and the blade was of crystal. There was a small, clear, crystal jewel on the end of the hilt that seemed to have a light, blue glow inside of it. I practiced the moves Autumn demonstrated and tried my best to copy exactly what she did.

“Alright. Let's try something harder. This time you will fight a Drow. A Drow is a type of elf that is a master of metal work and sword fighting. Now. Let's begin!” Autumn waved her hands through the air and in seconds a human like creature was standing in front of me. Clad in blue pants and white shirt with a blue cape with a hood resting lightly on the elf's shoulder, the Drow didn't seem much different from a human.

The only offsetting features were the deep blue skin and the snow white air that framed the firm face with deep set gold eyes and pointed ears. I gripped the crystal blade sword with a blue crystal on the hilt I held tightly with my right hand and held a shield with a light blue background and a full moon in the middle with two moon crescents on each side and a silver lining along the edges.

The elf never moved an inch as we waited for Autumn to give the signal to start. Autumn had told me that the key to fighting was absolute silence. Your opponent usually tries to distract you by saying things to get you mad, but if you stay quiet then it ends up making your opponent nerves. Both the Drow and I drew into our fighting stances, balancing ourselves and getting a better grip on our swords and shields. I realized that the elf's weaponry was exquisite. The sword was shaped like a pirate cutlass but not as curved and the hilt was different. The blade was a black and dark blue color and it seemed to glow with some magic from within the blade. The hilt was of the same color and the hand guard was a silver owl with purple eyes.

At the end of the hilt there was a small purple gem. The shield, rested on the Drow's left hand, was of the same color of his cloths with a silver lining. On it was a white snowy owl with its talons stretched out. I later found out that each Drow has an animal for a symbol and that they put it on every hand craft they make.

When Autumn gave the signal, the Drow's sword came swinging down at me. I raised my sword to block it then stumbled back from the impact. The Drow used the chance to lunge with his sword to where my neck was. I moved to the side just in time then swung my sword down up then down at the Drow. He blocked and we came into a lock, inches away from each other. The Drow was forcing me down and I broke away before I could get knocked down. We circled each other then I attacked with a few blows, the Drow blocking each blow with ease.

I continued to hit, cutting my sword at him in different directions, hoping to force him back. I pulled back as the Drow advanced, swinging his sword sideways at me trying to get my side. I blocked with my shield and felt the impact shake through my bones. I threw the now useless shield to the side and gripped my sword with both hands.

I stepped forward, twisting to my side and bringing my sword upside down parallel to my body to block the Drow's sword. I spun around swinging my sword across and hitting the Drow's shield. My foot tripped and I stumbled forward. In that instant the Drow was able to kick me back and raise his blade up to my throat. I dropped my sword then was offered a small but strong blue hand. The Drow pulled me up and I looked at Autumn. The Drow was gone.

“So. We will have to work on your sword fighting more.” Autumn said. “Drow's are one of the most skilled sword fighters in all the magical creatures.” Autumn walked over and looked down at me. “We will try something a little easier next time.” I closed my eyes as everything started to fade then opened them to a misty, gray morning.

Two days later I sat in the clearing after just practicing fighting moves with a dagger. I started to think about the dream Sally had. “Autumn?” I asked as I looked up at her. “Yes...? She said as she looked up from the book. “I should have probably told you this a while ago, but about a month ago my sister, Sally, had a dream. She couldn't remember much but she was mumbling in her sleep.”

“She said something about the ocean and a great cliff and wings...... and the screech of the falling one... What does it mean?” The words seem to come out of my mouth like thorns, each one hurting worse than the last, like I wasn't suppose to say them. Autumn looked at me for a second, letting the words sink in then turned back to the book, beckoning me over with a wave of her hand. I got up and stood by her side, looking at the book.

Autumn waved her hands over the book in a circular motion while saying words I have never heard before. A white ball of light seemed to appear above the book pages. A vision showed in the light. It was showing a giant cliff that looked like a dragon's claw that reached out into a vast, blue ocean with mighty waves crashing into the cliff sides. Autumn dropped her hands then raised one and pointed at the picture. “This is the great cliff or as people from my world call it, “The Dragon's Claw.”

“It's the only magical place on your world. Long, long ago, one of the Wizards of the First Order, Ceiefiel Conte, fought the dark one at the Dragon's claw. The Dark one was, in fact, one of the three Wizards of the First Order. His name was Ceafal Conte. He and Ceiefiel fought a great battle that lasted for a while on that very cliff. Ceiefiel won in the end, but Ceafal some how seemed to survive...” Autumn said as she closed the book and the image disappeared.

“What do you mean by survived? I thought he wasn't human?” I said. “His soul survived after Ceiefiel killed him. As the book says, the sky seemed to split in half and a red crevice cut through the sky. Ceafal's soul rouse from his body and began to rise to the crevice. Before he disappeared, he said that he would come back and take what he thought was rightfully his.” Autumn said.

“Autumn? Can you teach me about the Three Wizards of the First Order? I would like to know more about them,” I said. “Next time... I will teach you the history of the Three Wizards of the First Order,” Autumn said as everything started to fade. The next day I went through doing my chores all the while thinking of the Three Wizards of the First Order.

That night I went to bed early. I woke up in the clearing and got up. I walked over to the book on the stone holder and traced the letters. I could see a white light in the corner of my eye then Autumn was standing by my side.

“Do you still wish to learn about the Three Wizards of the First Order?” Autumn asked. “Yes,” I said eagerly. Autumn opened the book to a page with a painting on one of the pages. The picture was of three men standing side by side with the taller of the three in the middle. “Long ago, my world was ruled by the Three Wizards of the First Order. Their names were Ceiefiel Conte, Ceafal Conte, and Ceavaht Conte. They were the most powerful brothers that ever lived in my world.”

“They were very fair to their people and did everything they did to make sure everyone has safe. But, Ceafal never liked his brothers. He didn't like the way his brothers ruled. And soon his greed took over and he wanted to rule the land himself. He put spells and charms on the stuff his brothers ate and drank that slowly destroyed their powers. And when they were completely vulnerable, he attacked. He used his magic to take over the entire palace and soon even more.”

“He had his brothers put in a dungeon and locked up. Ceafal didn't know that his brothers would regain their full powers so he didn't bother putting magical spells on them. But, he did have magical chains on them that went against their magic and Ceavaht tried to brake out when he hadn't quite got his full power back and it ended up taking his magic away. So after that Ceiefiel waited and when he was as powerful as he could be, he broke out, making sure that his brother was let go as well. He tried to challenge his brother in a duel, but his brother denied and ran off when Ceiefiel attacked.

He followed Ceafal to the Dragon's Claw and they fought. The battle went on for the entire day and in the end Ceiefiel beat Ceafal. And, well, you know the rest,” Autumn finished as she closed the book again. I woke up and looked out my window at the field. There seemed to be a ghostly look to it as the moon light glittered off the mist that clung low to the grass. A claw of fear crawled up the back of my spine making the little hairs on my neck stand up and I twitched. I shook my head and went back to sleep without dreaming.

Chapter #6
Encountering the Beast

When I woke up just after dawn, I was still thinking of the Three Wizards of the First Order. I got up and sat down at my desk. I looked through the two, quite small, magic books I had, but neither had anything on Ceafal Conte. I stood up and walked out of my room and crept into my sister's room. I grabbed the book off of her desk and went back into my room before she woke up. I sat down and flipped through the pages. I stopped when I found a picture of a painting. It was of the Dragon's Claw and there was a man standing at the edge looking up at the sky.

There was a crack in the sky that seemed to bleed with red light. There was a dark shadow with two little, red slits that must have been eyes that was rising from the waves into the sky. The red light seemed to engulf him like it was pulling him along gratefully like it had been waiting a long time for this. I read the page by the painting and learned that it is told that the realms of death had been waiting for the death of Ceafal Conte so that when he died he could come to the realms of death and become even stronger and then the Ruler of the reals of death could use him to take over the land of the living and escape the prison of death he was trapped in.

I closed the book and put it back in Sally's room. The rest of the day, I went through helping my mother with the garden trying to keep the stories of Ceafal Conte pushed to the back of my head. That night I went to sleep, but when I opened my eyes, I wasn't in the clearing. I was standing on the edge of a cliff with the ocean spray hitting my face lightly. The sky was draped in storm clouds but it wasn't raining. Every few seconds a flash of lighting would light up the sky. “Mira...” A voice seemed to call from behind me.

I turned around but nothing was there. I heard the eery voice again. “Mira...” I looked around, trying to keep my panic and terror under control. “Mira... You won't succeed... I will take what is rightfully mine... And I will do what ever it takes to get it... And that means killing you...” The voice said. Where have I heard that voice before? It sounded so familiar. The voice was faint because a weird humming was hanging in my ears.

A dark shadow of fog and magic seemed to appear out of no where in front of me. The figure shifted into the shape of a person and there was two red eyes staring at me. The shadow lunged for my throat and when I was sure I was dead, I woke up in my bed. I had thrown my blanket on the floor with my pillow while I had been sleeping. The warm, glow of the sunlight danced across my floor as the clouds passed in front of it. I got up on shaking legs and walked out and sat down at the kitchen table.

Sarah looked at me then started to mix water with a few other ingredients then gave it too me. I drank it slowly, enjoying the soft, warm feel as the drink settled in my stomach with a warm feeling making me feel better. My legs finally stopped shaking and I put the glass down. “Did you have a bad dream?” Sarah asked. “Yeah. It just spooked me, that's all. I'll be fine...” I said as I rested my head in my hands.

The next day, Sarah took Sally and me back to market. I was standing at a store right by the trail leading to the clearing in the forest. I looked through the window and saw my mother talking to the store clerk and Sally looking through a book. They should be a while, I thought. I walked onto the trail and as soon as I was out of sight of anyone, I ran as fast as I could. I reached the creak in only a few minutes and stood by the fallen tree panting. I caught my breath then walked across the tree and jumped to the other side. I followed the trail into the trees.

I soon saw the clearing just ahead and ran faster. I reached the clearing and stopped. Standing by the pool was a dark, shadow figure. It turned and looked straight at me. My heart seemed to stop all together. It was the Dark One. “So... You are the great Mira Sovahck?” he seemed to laughed as he looked me over. “When I was told the prophecy, I thought the one I would be fighting would be more... Well more. You are just a mere child,” His chuckle sent shivers up my spine.

“You shall be easy to finish off,” He said. “You'll never win Ceafal. I'm more powerful than you think,” I threw the words at him like daggers, trying to hide my fear and panic. I saw his fingers tighten and knew what he was doing. In an instant I was a wolf charging straight at him. Ceafal seemed to be surprised in my quick reaction and the spell he was trying to cast broke and fell. I leaped into the air trying to jump at him but he threw a wall of red magic around him and I hit it with a jarring force. I got back up quickly, my head spinning.

I watched him carefully, growling. Ceafal seemed to stop and listen to a voice that only he could hear. The humming was back, ringing in my ears. Ceafal laughed then looked at me, “We shall have a mighty battle, Mira. But not here,” he said. I looked at him confused at what he said. He waved his hands and the air seemed to turn to a bright red. I had to close my eyes to shield the evil light out. When I opened my eyes again, Ceafal was gone, but in his place was a beast I had only seen in books.

It had the body and three heads of a dragon with a lizards tail and legs of a lion. Its tan, scaly back had bone-white spikes from its shoulder blades to the tip of its tail. I stared at it not able to believe a creature like this even existed. I shook my head and bared my teeth. I looked the beast over as we started to circle. The beast was huge, as big as my barn. I remember reading about this creature. What was it called? A hydra? I remembered that one head blue fire, one ice, and one water.

Each time you cut of a head two more would grow back. The only way to kill it was the weak spot on its belly. I stared at the hydra's belly and saw a diamond shaped red mark that seemed to glow. I jumped out of the way as one of the hydra's head came for me. I leaped forward, dodging the heads and dove for its stomach. I was almost there, but sharp teeth grabbed me and pulled me up the hydra picked me up high and threw me. I flew a few feet across the clearing but before I could crash into the trees I changed into an eagle and flew up.

I turned back and flew at one of the heads. The eyes of this head were red like fire and I quickly flew out of the way as the head breathed fire out at where I was just a second ago. I flew behind the head and dug my claws into its head. I could feel my claws reach the skull and the head roared in ferry. I let go and flew up just as ice shards shot out from the third head.

The ice shards went into the fire head and the head when limp and hung. The two other Hydra heads looked at it confused then both shot water and ice at me as I flew above. I realized that if I could take out the middle head I would be able to get to the weak spot with out much problem from the third head. I dove down to the back of the Hydra and dug my claws into the back near one of the spikes.

The third head lunged for me and I flew out of the way just as the head bit down where I was just a second before. I glared at me as I flew above just out of reach. I flew high up and then closed my eyes and when I opened them I was a lioness falling straight down at the Hydra. I landed scare on the second head and I swung my huge paw with sharp claws at its eyes.

It screeched in pain and flung me off. I landed on my paws a little away from the Hydra. I could see that I had blinded the second head. I ran forward and jumped straight at the neck of the second head. I bit down then jumped away as a sheet of sharp ice came flying at me. When I looked back at the Hydra, the second head was laying on the ground, cut off at the base of the neck. I looked back at the Hydra, but there was still an open spot where the second head was.

I wandered why there wasn't to more heads there like there should have been. I watched carefully as the third Hydra head stared at the open spot where the second head use to be. Then it shook its head back and forth wildly then stopped. It breathed down on the open spot and a mist of ice fell over the open spot. The ice grew until there was another head made out of ice completely. I made a mental note to myself that if I got out of this battle alive, I would ask Autumn why the third head made a replacement out of ice instead of two more heads growing back.

The ice head moved around lunging and snapping at me as I jumped out of the way. I wondered why the ice head didn't fling ice at me when I realized that it couldn't. I smiled and started to circle the Hydra. I positioned the Hydra so that it was in the trees and had a harder time moving around. I saw my chance when the second ice head got its head stuck in a tree's branches and ran at the Hydra, quickly changing into a wolf as I ran. I dove under the Hydra and turned onto my back. I clawed at the diamond shaped red mark and the mark started to turn black.

The Hydra reared back and screamed in pain. Then it fell over on its side, limp. I got up and looked at the beast. The body was turning black and it soon disappeared. I shook my head and looked over at the pool. I could see my reflection and what surprised me was that my eyes were not purple but a light blue. I stared at my reflection for a second then ran back along the trail. I reached the creak in a few minutes, a human again. I realized that my necklace was glowing a light blue as well. I looked in the water at my reflection but my eyes were the same light purple. I continued walking and reached the other side and ran along the trail.

Chapter #7
My Secret's Discovered

I walked up to the store where my mother and sister were and as I got to the steps they were just coming out of the store. “Mira, we just have to go... What happened to your arm?” My mother asked as she stared at my arm. I looked at my arm to see a long gash along the top of my arm near my shoulder. To my luck it wasn't deep, but it was bleeding badly. “I... saw something walking along the trail and I followed it... I fell and cut my self...” I said quickly, hoping my mother would buy it. “Well, come on. We're going to get the wound patched,” Sarah said as she grabbed a small cloth from her pouch and handed it to me.

We reached Dr. Frason's house quickly and my mother knocked on the door. We heard some rustling then the door opened. Dr. Frason looked at us for a second then beckoned us in. He saw the cloth on my arm and pointed at it. I carefully took the cloth off my wound. The wound was still bleeding, but it was slowly starting to stop. Dr. Frason got up and and grabbed a roll of bandage off a shelf and went into the back room.

He came back with a small plate about the size of his palm. On the plate was a clear paste. In his other hand he held a wet cloth. He cleaned my wound with the cloth then smeared the paste on gently. Then he wrapped the bandage around my arm a few times. “So, Mira is it? How did ya manage t' get tis wound?” he asked. “I was following something along the trail leading to the creak and I tripped and fell and cut my arm,” I said. “What were ya following?” he asked. “I don't know... I think it was a... deer or something...” I stuttered. The doctor looked at me for a second then sighed. “May I talk t' Mira for a sec?” Dr. Frason asked.

“Sure,” my mother said. She picked up Sally and walked out of the house. “So, how did ya really get hurt?” Dr. Frason said. “I fell... that's all...” I said. “Look, I know ya didn't fall. That wound is from a magic beast's claw of some sort,” He said pointing at my wound. Okay, he knows more about magic than I thought. Should I tell him? I thought. “Do you believe in... magic?” I asked. “Yes. I do. I've studied magic since I was a young one,” he said. “Do you know about a prophecy?” I asked.

“Yes. Of course... Wait... Why didn't I see it before. Ya'r eyes are purple, hair of red flame... Ya're ta one from ta prophecy?” he finally said. I nodded my head. “Well, it's an honor t' meet ya. I once lived in the magic world, but I left after the Dark One destroyed it. So may ya tell me how ya got tis wound then?” Dr. Frason said, leaning in with more interest. “Well, when I saw the path leading to the creak I ran down it. I got to the creak and crossed the other side. Do you know about the clearing with the pool of ancient stars and that old book in the forest?” I said. He nodded his head, “Yes. I have been there me self,” he urged me to say more with a wave of his hand.

“Well, I got to the clearing expecting to find a friend of mine, Autumn Satuke, but instead I saw Ceafal Conte, the Dark One.” Dr. Frason's eye brows rows and his eyes went wide, but he didn't say anything so I would keep speaking. “He looked at me then he tried to some sort of spell I didn't know of. So I quickly changed into a wolf and ran at him. He put a wall of magic around, of course, and when I got back up, Ceafal seemed to be listening to someone. I couldn't hear a voice because there was strange humming in my head. So, anyways, Ceafal disappeared. There was this bright light, and when I opened my eyes again there was a Hydra standing in front of me,” I paused for a second. “Ya saw a hydra?” Dr. Frason said, astonished.

“Yep, but it was different from the others. It had three heads as usual, one blowing fire, one water, and the other ice, but the thing different about it is that when one of its head got cut off two more didn't grow back. The third head, the ice one, made a new head out of ice. I didn't know they could do that,” I finished. “So, ta wound was from a hydra and ya say it made a new head? Two didn't grow back?” he asked. I shook my head. “Hmm... Did ya cut off ta head yarself or did ta hydra?” he asked as he got up and grabbed a small, black book off the shelf.

“No... The hydra cut off its own head. I had been biting the neck of the middle head and jumped out of the way when the third head, the ice one, threw a sheet of ice at me. The sheet of ice cut the second head off,” I said. Dr. Frason sat down flipping through the pages. “Ah, here we go. See, here it says that a hydra, if it cuts its own head off, it can create a new one,” Dr. Frason said. “So, is that for every hydra?” I asked. “No. Only hydras that've been spelled can do that t' someone,” he said.

“Well, it did appear after Ceafal disappeared. Maybe it was spelled by him,” I said. “That could be. There's no other explanation,” he said as he got up and put the book back. He walked into the back room and came out holding a small glass bottle with a liquid in it. “Put a few drops of tis on ta wound every night. It will get rid of ta poison from ta hydra's claw,” he said as he handed me the poison. “Thank you Dr. Frason,” I said as a grabbed the bottle and got up.

I walked out of Dr. Frason's house, keeping the bottle hidden between my hand and my skirts. “So,what was that all about?” my mother asked. “Oh, he just wanted to know if I cut... myself on something... poisonous. It was just a fallen tree log, so I'm fine,” I lied. I fingered the bottle with my thumb as my mother stared at me. “All right then. We should get home now,” she said as she held Sally's hand and started walking home. I followed behind think about the conversation I had had with Dr. Frason.

When we got back home, I walked into my room and put the bottle down on my night stand. I opened the small drawer. I looked around but there wasn't anything I could use. I went out side and picked a dandelion. I broke of the ends on each side then blew through it to clear the stem, making a straw. I went back into my room and opened the bottle. I took the bandage off carefully then put the dandelion into the bottle. I placed my pointer finger on the top of the stem and pulled it out. I slowly slid my finger off the stem, letting the drops of medicine fall into my wound. It stung slightly, but I could feel the medicine working. I put the bandage back on then hid the bottle and went to sleep.

That night I had the same dream about being on the cliffs and seeing Ceafal. I woke up in the middle of the night with my hand over my mouth to keep me from screaming. I sat on my bed, hugging my legs and resting my head on my knees. I wondered why I hadn't dreamed about being in the clearing with Autumn Satuke. I sighed and went back to sleep trying not to think about it. The next morning I woke up and put more of the medicine on before going outside. I walked along through the field.

I held my necklace in my hand. Ever since I saw Ceafal, my necklace had been glowing a light blue. I played with my necklace, tracing the outline of it with my fingers. I went through the entire time from when I saw Ceafal to where I killed the hydra, wondering what made my necklace glow.

I played it over and over in my head, but I still couldn't think of any reason. I remembered Ceafal trying to make the spell, but I had stopped him before he could complete it surely? I know I did. So then what caused my necklace to glow and why? I looked at my arm as it started to sting again. Could the poison from the hydra make my necklace glow? I thought. The hydra had been spelled by Ceafal and he said he wanted to kill me. He needed me dead to take my magic.

The next day, Sarah took us back to the market and sent me off to Dr. Frason's house to go get my wound checked while my mother and Sally were shopping for materials for clothing. Dr. Frason was in the middle of checking to make sure my wound wasn't infected when a loud, curdling screech was hurled through the air.

Dr. Frason and I ran out side as I wrapped my wound back up in a clean bandage. We ran off the porch and stopped in mid-step. Wading through the trees was a monster that had the head, neck and tail of a snake and the body and legs of a dragon. The creature's skin was a brownish green and his underbelly was a light, pale yellow. The monster continued to screech as it headed for the village. I quickly ran to the village with Dr. Frason right behind me.

To my astonishment, everyone was as calm as usual. “Dr. Frason? Why is everyone so calm? Can't they see the... what ever that monster is?” I asked as I watched the creature draw nearer to the village. “It's called a Dragon Serpent and unless it wants them to, no. Normal people without magic can't hear a Dragon Serpent only see it... Which is usually too late for them to do anything,” he said in between breaths. “You're the only hope for the village Mira. Make sure no one sees you in human form!” He shouted at me as I ran down the path to the village.

Just before I came out of the trees, I quickly changed into the fastest animal I had learned of so far. My body shrunk to the ground and in an instant I was a wolf streaked with black fur on the top and white on the bottom. I lifted my head as I ran, watching the Dragon Serpent. The monster opened its mighty jaws showing large, yellow fangs each about the size of a man. It had reached the village.

The Dragon Serpent let out another spine chilling screech and this time, everyone heard him. Everyone dropped what they were doing to cover their ears from the horrid sound. Eyes laid on the creature and as quickly as they had dropped their stuff, everyone was running into buildings screaming. I ran out into the middle of the dirt road and ran straight at the Dragon Serpent who was distracted by attacking a small house with petrified people hiding in it.

I pelted down the road heading straight for the Dragon Serpent still not sure what I was going to do. I shook my head and let my power pool in my paws then sprang off the ground onto the Dragon Serpent. I latched onto its long neck and started biting, trying to get the monster away from the people. The Dragon Serpent stepped back, swinging its head back and forth, trying to through me off. As soon as the monster turned around, I knew that the people couldn't see me and quickly changed into an eagle and flew straight up in the air.

The Dragon Serpent looked at where I was, confused on what just happened. I searched the creature over, looking for a weak spot. Just between its eyes was a small black diamond that was barely noticeable in the sun. I dove down, folding my wings to my side, aiming for the diamond. Just before I crashed into the Dragon Serpent's head, I pulled back with my wings slightly so that I could use my claws to catch the diamond. My talons closed over the diamond and I beat my wings hard, trying to fly upward.

I jolted forward as the diamond came free. I turned back and looked at the creature. He was frozen in mid step, is scales turning black. As the last scale was engulfed in the black color, the Dragon Serpent disappeared as if it was never there. People came out of houses and stores to see what had happened.

I quickly flew off back to where Dr. Frason was hiding in the trees close enough to see everything, but out of reach of the creature. “Wait. You heard the Dragon Serpent the same time I did. I thought only people with magic could hear it?” I said. “Why do you think I'm so good at healing? My magic is healing. That's why I'm a doctor.” he said. He nodded his head and I headed off to find Sarah and Sally while Dr. Frason went to each person to check for injuries.

Chapter #8
Stolen Magic

It had been a week since I had fought the hydra and only five days since my battle with the Dragon Serpent. My wounds were healing well from the medicine Dr. Frason had given me. My necklace had continued to glow, but for my luck, no one had noticed mostly because I kept it hidden. I still hadn't dreamed about the clearing or Autumn Satuke either. I was wondering through the field when I stopped. I looked around to make sure no one was around then quickly turned into a snake.

I had done it so many times that changing didn't feel odd anymore. I opened my eyes and looked around. The grass was very high above my head as I slid around. To my surprise, I started to change back into a human. I didn't say to do that! I thought as everything grew shorter. Something was pulling at my magic, taking it away so that I could only use some for a short amount of time. I need to get to Dr. Frason, I thought. I went back to the house and looked around. “Mother, I'm going for a walk. Is that okay?” I asked. “Sure. But don't go too far,” she called after me as I walked out the door.

As soon as I was out of sight from the house, I ran as fast as I could to the market. I didn't dare try to turn into my magic encase anything went wrong and I was seen. I continued to run until I reached Dr. Frason's house just on the outskirts of the market. I knocked on the door three times then Dr. Frason opened the door. He let me in and sat me down on the couch. I waited as he went into the back room and then came back with two cups of tea. He handed me one then beckoned me to speak.

“My magic. Someone's taking it,” I said quickly. Dr. Frason looked at me as if I had two heads. “Ya think someone is taken yar magic?” he said, confused. I nodded my head, “Ever since I saw Ceafal Conte my necklace has been glowing. It was meant to be a gift from Autumn Satuke but somethings got messed up,” I said as I picked up my necklace up and allowed Dr. Frason to look at it. He studied it for a minute then said, “Well, yar right about someone taking yar magic. Do ya think it's ta Dark One himself?” he asked.

“It has to be. Who else would want my magic?” I said. “Well, then you need t' get that necklace off or it could kill ya,” he said. I reached to the back of my neck and tried to unlatch the necklace, but when I touched it the latch glowed white and burned my fingers. I pulled away quickly and looked at my fingers. They were a little black, but not hurt at all. I rubbed my fingers together to get the black off then looked at Dr. Frason. “Who did ya say gave ya that necklace again?” he said.

I walked up into the village store and looked around. The women I met before who sold me the necklace was standing at the counter. She looked up as I walked over to her. She looked at me for a second then recognized me when I stopped at the counter. “Hello. I see you're wearing the necklace you bought. How is it?” she asked, smiling. “Oh it's fine. Do you remember who gave you this necklace?” I asked. “Yes. It was a man, about thirty or so, with black hair. He lives just down the road. Do you know where I'm talking about?” she said, a little confused. “Yes, I do. Thank you,” I said as I left.

The man's house was just south of the market like the lady had said. The house was a small shack with rubbish of all sorts laying around here and there. Two small, wooden chairs sat ghostly on the back porch. I walked up to the door and knocked. A tall man with a short-cut, black beard and ear length, black hair stood in the door way.

I could hear the squeal of a child's laughter and a woman's voice coming from within the house. The man's hazel eyes looked me over for a second then he asked, “Can I help you?” He continued to stand in the door way. “Yes. Who gave you this necklace and why?” I asked as I held up my necklace for him to see.

He looked at it closely for a while. “Oh, that. A lady I met in the market payed me to give this to a young lass with red hair and purple eyes named Mira... Soval or something. I couldn't find anyone like that so I just gave it to the store,” he said. “This lady. Can you describe her for me please?” I asked. “Yeah. She was tall, mid forties. Brown hair in a bun and a black dress. She told me that it was urgent that I got this to Mira... whatever, but I couldn't find her,” he said. I took this in for a second, thinking. Autumn wanted me to have this necklace? That can't be right, I thought.

“Thank you sir,” I said as I turned to walk off. I stopped and turned around and looked back at the man who was still in the same position. “What's your name sir?” I asked. He looked at me with a confused look as if he didn't hear me then shook his head and answered, “Barack Heif. My name is Barack Heif.” I nodded my head to him and then continued to walk along the trail back to home. I thought about the voice I had been hearing lately and about the sound of Ceafal's voice and realized that Ceafal's voice sounded just like Autumn Satuke's voice.

By the time I reached home, I had thought through everything I had learned today. I had put all the puzzle pieces together and the odds pointed to the fact that Autumn Satuke was the only one who could have gotten the magic necklace and made sure it was given to me. I was furious by the time I had reached the door.

I stopped and breathed deeply, trying to calm down, then walked in. Sarah was sitting by the hearth, reading an old, leather book. She looked up as I closed the door behind me. “So, how was your walk?” she asked. “It was... fine,” I said. She looked at me then sighed, seeing a stubborn look on my face that she knew that meant I wouldn't talk. She shook her head and continued reading.

I walked into my room and sat down on the chair next to my window. The sun was just starting to slide across the sky. I had only been in the market for two hours. I stared out my window, looking across the meadow that glowed with a golden light from the sun. I searched for where the magic was hidden in me and I could feel it was still shrinking.

I held tightly onto my necklace and tried to yank it off, but this time I fainted. I woke up a minute later, my head spinning. I sighed, knowing that the only one who could get the necklace off was Autumn Satuke. I still couldn't figure out why she would want me to have the necklace, let alone my magic. I shook my head and crawled into my bed to fall asleep.

Chapter #9
The Dragon's Claw

When I opened my eyes I was in the clearing, laying by the pond. I got up quickly and looked around. I quickly changed into a cat to hide easily if needed. Autumn was no where to be seen. I sighed and padded over to the pool.

I looked at my reflection and saw that my shiny fur was as black as shadows themselves and my eyes were the same blue they were when I has a wolf earlier. I sighed and changed back into my normal self and knelt down by the pool. My eyes were the same purple, but with very small lines of blue lying among them. I scooped some water out and sipped it out of my hand. I could feel magic screeching through my entire body.

I clenched my teeth shut till my jaw hurt to keep myself from screaming. My necklace started to glow even brighter until I had to close my eyes from the glare. I could hear voices talking in the back of my mind, but no matter how hard I strained my ears to hear, the voices were to distance. I heard something like screeching and something like metal being ripped apart that made the hair on the back of my neck stand straight up. The screeching stopped as the voices slowly disappeared and the light slowly dimmed. I took a few seconds, letting myself calm down. Then, ever so slowly, I opened my eyes.

The pool was no longer glowing a light blue, but seemed to be illuminated by the shimmering stars that swirled around in the water. Laying in the center of the pool, being attacked by the stars, was the necklace. I put my hand on the back of my neck and felt a small mark that seemed to be a burn from the necklace. I later found out that the mark was the indentation of a moon crescent. I stood up carefully and looked at the pool. I noticed that a long white line of magic and light seemed to cut through the air above the middle of the pool of water.

I looked at it, not sure what to do. A small voice in the back of my head said to walk through it. How could I do that? It was in the center of the pool. I would have to swim through the water, and the pool seemed to go on for ever without a bottom. But, even then, it would still be a foot or so above my head. I shook my head to clear my mind.

I took a deep breath then raised my right foot. I hovered it a few inches above the water. I let the deep breath flow slowly out, then let my foot drop. To my surprise, my foot hit solid ground. I opened my eyes and looked down at my foot. I was walking on air! I shook my arms to loosen them, then walked the last two feet to the Magic light. I reached my hand out to the light and I pressed my hand through it. The light opened up and I could see grass on the other side. I walked the rest of the way through, clawing through the thin layer of magic.

I looked around me as the magic light disappeared. I was standing on a long meadow of very green grass and I no longer wore my white night gown, but brown breaches and a white shirt. To my left was a mighty forest of all kinds of different trees. To my right, the land formed into a point and the edges dropped. I walked through the grass till I reached the edge.

I looked down and saw huge ocean waves crashing along the cliff side. I saw that the point of the land seemed to curl in like a claw. I realized that the necklace had opened up a portal of some sort to the Dragon's Claw. I went through everything I had learned of Autumn Satuke and then looked back at the forest. “Autumn Satuke! I know your secret! Show yourself!” I yelled. Nothing. I yelled her name again, but still no answer. “Autumn Satuke! I know you're Ceafal Conte! You wanted a battle, so come and fight!” I yelled at the forest.

I turned at the sound of chuckling. I came face to face with Autumn. “Finally! I can't stand to stay in this pathetic human body anymore. I was wondering how long it would take for you to catch on,” Autumn said in her eery voice. Autumn seemed to grow to a shadow then was the form of Ceafal Conte. I was taken back by how Ceafal's skin, if shadows had skin, seemed to crawl with a kind of dark magic.

“I know, it's a little creepy. But, when I get your magic, I shall have my true form and full power! I've already almost succeeded. I'm sure you have noticed...? You're magic is tainted with poison. You must be wondering why your eyes are blue when you change and not purple, aren't you?” He said, his red eyes glinting in the rising sun that never seemed to move from its position. I took this in for a second. I knew someone, or something, had messed with my magic, I thought.

“Why use a humans body and not your own?” I asked hoping to keep him talking long enough for me to think of a plan. “Because I had to get close to you, so I could steal your magic. But, you have something protecting it don't you?” He said. I looked at him, confused at what he said. “Now, we don't even have to fight. You can just give me your magic and I wont have to kill you. You don't want your magic. You want to be a normal person, don't you?” He said.

“Never.” I took a step back. I kept my eyes on his fingers to see if the slightest twitch showed any signs of him trying magic. “Fine, I guess we can do this the hard way, if you want to die...?” He said in a mocking voice. I kept my eyes on his fingers. Ceafal waited a moment, the silence seeming to draw longer then it should have, but only lasted a mere second. His fingers twitched and I took a step to the right quickly just as two black arrows skimmed pass me barely missing my ear.

Chapter #10
The Great Battle Begins

I turned into a wolf and launched myself at him. He ran. I pushed forward. When running, Ceafal was twice as fast as any human. I let my magic flow into my legs making me run even faster. Ceafal reached the edge then stopped. I skidded to a halt a foot away from him. “That's some magic you got there. I'm glad I was able to get some of it,” He laughed.

Before I could comment, he started to change. His back arced so that his arms reached the grass. His hands and feet were replaced by paws with long reddish- black claws. His shadow skin started to form into black, glassy scales that seemed as fragile as glass but were as strong as iron.

His face grew narrow till the bottom of his jaw was lined with small spikes and his mouth was full with razor sharp teeth that seemed to collect the light inside them rather than reflect them. Two stubs started to bloom out of his back then unfolded into two large black wings. Watching this seemed like hours to me, but was only two seconds in real life.

Ceafal roared into the sky then lifted his wings then swung them down, beating them against the air. He flew off. I quickly followed, changing into a dragon with scales of sparkling purple. My wings looked like those of a butterfly but were cut every ten five inches into long spikes and much more powerful and a little differently shaped. They were a light, glowing blue with a light purple outlining. I raised my mighty wings to the sky then took of at awe striking speed.

I looked through the clouds till I saw a dark shadow slowly floating to the ocean. I folded my wings close to my body and dove straight down, gaining speed. I spread my wings out just as I came to the water, my silvery blue claws skimming the water. I was so amazed about all of this, but I shook my head. I had to stay focused.

I could see Ceafal's long black tail a few feet in front of me. I beat my wings lightly, hardly making noise, and caught up to Ceafal. Just as I was able to grab his tail, Ceafal shot straight up, flying into the clouds. I followed close behind. Ceafal disappeared in a dark, storm cloud that seemed to reach across the entire sky. I flew into the misty clouds then hovered where I was. Nothing. Not a sound or movement that gave away his position. The clouds exploded with light every time a flash of yellow and white lightning struck out.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the cloud was starting to turn a black-red and quickly dove to the right as black and red fire scorched by me. I turned and saw Ceafal flying right at me. I flew upwards then quickly dove back down, crashing into Ceafal. I gripped his scaly body with my long claws, sinking them in while Ceafal lunged for my throat with his teeth.

I moved my head out of reach when he snapped at my neck then quickly bit the side of his neck. I pulled back from biting him but wasn't quick enough and Ceafal clenched his jaws around my neck. I roared then started clawing in fiery. Ceafal didn't let go. I brought my tail, which was covered in spikes, and swung at Ceafal. I hit him square in the face and Ceafal let go.

I quickly blew my own purple and blue fire at him. Ceafal flew off and I followed. He folded his wings and dove down in a spiral motion. I quickly followed, using my tail to help move. We broke out of the clouds and Ceafal continued to dive down. He crashed into the water.

I pulled up before I hit the waves. I flew slowly over the water looking for him, but the water was too dark to see through it very far. Then, something shot out of the water behind me and grabbed my tail. Claws sunk deep into my skin and dragged me down. I smacked the water with such force it drove the breath out of me. I continued to be dragged under the water. Out of instinct, having the instinct of a dragon because I was one, I blew my fire out till it covered my nose and mouth letting me breath. I was being pulled down even faster now.

I turned my head down and saw Ceafal's jaw locked on my tail. Ceafal stopped then twisted his head flinging me down. I flew through the water fast, but most of the force from Ceafal's through was swallowed up by the water. I hit something hard. I could see stones maybe twenty to fifty feet tall all around me.

I started to sink to the sandy bottom. I looked up and saw Ceafal coming at me. I shook my head then used my wings to push me through the water. I shot out of the water and flew up, not taking the risk of looking back to see how close Ceafal was. I could see The Dragon's Claw and headed for it.

I flew right above the waves, paralleled with the water. I flew up, inches away from the cliff face. I turned again and flew over the grassy meadow. I landed then turned. I could see Ceafal coming, but he was slower because of a long, deep wound on his neck that was bleeding heavily. I positioned myself right then hoped for the best that my plan would work. Ceafal continued to come.

Before Ceafal could crash into me, I flew up into the clouds. I circled then waited till Ceafal broke through the clouds and stopped. I flew at him and latched my claws into him and didn't let go. Ceafal roared in surprise then started to try and bite me. I clawed with my free paw, making deep marks on the side of his neck. When I could hear that Ceafal was beginning to weaken I stopped. Ceafal didn't take notice. I put all my magic into my wings, wanting to get as much speed as I could. I flew downward, heading for the meadow. I pushed my wings hard, gaining even more speed.

When I was a foot or less from the ground I threw Ceafal and he crashed down into the ground. Pieces of the earth flew up and I flew a little bit away to avoid being hit. Silence. I turned and landed lightly on the grass. In front of me lay a deep whole about five feet deep. Ceafal lay crippled in it. I walked over and peered at him. His eyes flew open and I jumped back. “I will have... your magic...” He said. He didn't move. I stared at him.

The humming was back, but this time, I could hear the voice. “Ceafal... You fool..! You left the body you took over and became weak..! You're dieing and soon you will come to me and when you do... You will face your punishment...” The voice was an eery voice that sounded like a pack of blood hounds howling through the night. I shivered. “What was your plan Ceafal?” I asked quickly. Ceafal looked at me for a second. “The lord and I were... going to rule the... world... All of them... your world... the magic world... and the Underworld... I just had to... kill you... So simple... a child!...” his voice was fading. I looked at him and realized that I actually felt a little sorry for him. But, it quickly vanished.

Ceafal started to glow a dark, blood red. He was fading. Joining the Underworld. Then, the red light seemed to shatter away from his body and it was replaced with a light green magic. The magic engulfed Ceafal and then replaced him with air. I looked up after his body disappeared when the green magic had swallowed him.

Two men who looked like they were too young to be over sixty yet to old to be younger than one hundred years old stood side by side. They both wore worn red shirts and brown breaches with royal blue robes. The one on the left that was taller and seemed to be older had his hand still held out where Ceafal use to be. He slowly lowered it.

“Hello. My name is Ceavaht Conte. I am the First Wizard of The First Order. This is my brother Ceiefiel Conte, the Second Wizard of The First Order,” His voice was almost ancient, like it held the entire worlds history in it. Ceavaht had short brown hair with only one streak of gray along the top. His skin clung to his body, but he didn't look skinny, he looked almost well fit for someone his age. His brother, Ceiefiel, was just the same, but his hair swayed all the way down to his shoulders and it was gray with pure white streaks in it.

“It's an honor to meet both of you,” I said as I did my best bow that my mother had taught me to do when meeting an elder of royalty. “You have saved the worlds of Earth, Mira Sovahck. And for that, you are a hero,” Ceiefiel said. His voice was more deep and rough like a growl from a grizzly, but it was gentle. “I only wanted to make sure that the worlds of the Earth were safe from...” I tried to put my words the best way I could without hurting them since Ceafal was their brother, “the dangers of Ceafal's and The Underworld's plan,” I said.

“Well, you did the right thing and saved us from having to kill our own brother,” Ceavaht said. “If you don't mind me asking, what kind of magic did you use on Ceafal after he fell?” I asked. “Ah. I used a vanquishing spell. It makes his body disappear and his soul is banished to place where no one can get to him. Last time, when I fought him, the Underworld took his soul and gave him dark magic so he could try to take over the world again,” Ceafal said.

I stumbled to one side as everything started to go black. My shoulder was screeching in pain where Ceafal had clawed me. I started to fall back when something caught me. I could just make out a light orange magic under me joined with green magic as they gathered around me, holding me up. Every sound faded as my vision blackened. I had lost too much blood.

I woke from the smell of some kind of strong herb that had a sharp and powerful yet bitter smell to it. I opened my eyes to see Dr. Frason holding a small cup under my nose. “Ah. Tere we go. See, Mrs. Sovahck? She's fine.” someone said. It was Dr. Frason. My vision was still blurry, but I could make out the shape of my mother who was holding Sally very close to her as if she was afraid if she let go, she would loose her.

“Where am I...?” I asked as I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision. My left shoulder was stiff as something held tight to it. I looked at my shoulder to see a rope tied around my shoulder and neck to keep my shoulder in place and a cloth on my shoulder where my wound as. I removed the cloth to see that my wound was no longer the deep gash from a dragon's claw but a shallow cut that looked like I had been cut by a sharp rock or even a shovel.

That can't be right. This wound should have been twice the size it is now. Why isn't it? I thought. Dr. Frason started to clean my wound with a wet cloth then put some medicine on it then wrapped the wound in a bandage. He removed the rope. “Mira. What happened to you? I found you passed out in the meadow behind our house.” Sarah said as she sat down next to me. “Oh... I'm not sure...” It wasn't a lie. I had been at The Dragon's Claw. How did I get to the meadow. The Contes. I remembered falling and their magic had caught me and a green magic healing my wound.

They must have placed me in the meadow so someone would find me. “I had walked out into the meadow and a bird came down and hit me...” I hoped that my mother would believe it and not ask anymore questions. Dr. Frason saved me by asking if he could speak with me alone. My mother sighed, but she picked up Sally and walked out.

“So, if I'm not mistaken', you fought with Ceafal Conte?” he asked. “Yes... It was, to tell you the truth, terrifying. But, I won...” I said. “If it's not ta bother... could ya explain ta whole battle?” He asked. I explained it with much detail for him. When I told him about meeting the other two Contes, he started to cough in surprise. “Ya... met the Wizards of ta First Order?” He said.

I nodded my head then explained them for him. “Wow. So ya defeated Ceafal Conte? Ya are a hero.” He said. “Yeah, but...” I trailed off. “But what?” he asked intently. “I know Ceafal is dead, and that his soul is banished to where no one can get to him, but... it doesn't feel like this is all over to me...” I said. “Not over? Wha' da ya...?” He paused for a while, the silence drawing heavier on us. He finally continued, “How much of ta prophecy did ya here?” He asked. “I guess only the beginning...”